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Nokia E7, telefonul pentru care as renunta la N97

Nokia se pregateste sa lanseze un nou telefon pe piata: Nokia E7. De curiozitate m-am uitat si eu putin la specificatiile lui si am salivat putin la el.
Ce sa mai, din punctul meu de vedere va fii cel mai tare telefon. Si da, as inlocui N97-le la care tin atat cu un Nokia E7.

Nokia E7

Urmeaza imediat si comparatia intre cele doua, ca sa intelegeti cu ce vine in plus Nokia E7 fata de Nokia N97. Unele chestii sunt in engleza, nu avea rost sa le traduc.

Informativ: pentru mine, telefonul ideal trebuie sa aibe in primul rand tastatura completa. De aia imi place atat de mult N97 si de aia nu am fost impresionat de Nokia N8. Si da, E7 vine cu tastatura completa.


Nokia N97

Nokia E7


117.2 x 55.3 x 15.9 mm 123.7 x 62.4 x 13.6 mm

150 g 176 g
Screen size

3.5″ 4″

640 x 360 pixels 16:9 nHD (640 x 360 pixels) AMOLED
Power Management

Talk time (maximum):
GSM up to 570 min
WCDMA up to 360 min
Standby time (maximum):
GSM up to 430 h
WCDMA up to 400 h
Talk time (maximum):
GSM up to 540 mins (9 h)
WCDMA up to 300 mins (5h)
Standby time (maximum):
GSM up to 430 h
WCDMA up to 470 h

Bluetooth version 2.0 with Enhanced Data Rate
TV out
Support for local and remote SyncML synchronisation
High-Speed USB 2.0 (micro USB connector)
3.5 mm AV connector
Bluetooth 3.0
High-Speed USB 2.0 (micro USB connector)
Micro USB connector and charging
USB On-the-Go
Standard 3.5 mm AV connector
FM Radio

S60 5th edition
Active standby
Voice commands
FOTA (Firmware update Over The Air)
Automatic UI rotation
Software updates
Symbian^3 OS for Nokia
Java MIDP 2.1
Qt 4.6.2, Web Runtime 7.2
HTML 4.1
Software updates Over the Air (FOTA) and Over the internet (FOTI)
Flash Lite 4.0
OMA DM 1.2, OMA Client provisioning 1.1

MicroSD memory card slot, hot swappable, up to 16 GB
Internal memory: 32 GB
Internal memory: 16 GB

5.0 megapixel (2584 x 1938 pixels) camera with Carl Zeiss optics
Still image file format JPEG/EXIF
Auto focus + dual LED flash
Zoom Up to 4x (digital)
Secondary camera for video calls, QCIF (176 x 144 pixels)
8 megapixel camera
Fullscreen 16:9 viewfinder with easy-to-use touch screen parameters
Dual LED flash
Face recognition software
Still images file format: JPEG/EXIF
Zoom up to 2x (digital) for still images
Zoom up to 3x (digital) for video
Secondary camera for video calls (VGA, 640 x 480 pixels)

5 megapixel with Carl Zeiss optics
Take high quality 16:9 videos
Video capture in MPEG-4 up to VGA at 30 fps
HD quality 720p resolution
Shoot 16:9 videos in HD
Video capture in 720p 25 fps with codecs H.264, MPEG-4
Video sharing and playback

Enhanced video centre: central hub for video experiences
Access to last played video and easy resume
My videos: collection of stored videos
Access to Internet Videos, compatible with RSS feeds and video podcasts, with direct wireless updates and downloads
Video directory to discover new Internet Videos
Support for download, streaming and progressive download
Support for Flash video
HD 720p Video playback on HD TV through HDMI cable
*Dolby Digital Plus surround sound when played with HDMI and a home theatre
Support for download, streaming, and progressive download
Video editing software
Videos application: collection of stored videos
On demand WebTV widgets to watch local and global internet streaming TV
Support for Flash video
YouTube browsing and streaming
Video call support (WCDMA network services)

n-Gage suport Dedicated graphics processor with OpenGL 2.0 enables 3D graphics

0.66 W/kg 0.56 W/kg

E adevarat, la unele capitole Nokia E7 sta mai prost decat Nokia N97. Dar nu chestii semnificative. Plus ca aduce diverse chestii noi, cum ar fii Nokia ClearBlack display for improved outdoor visibility sau Capacitive touch screen.


  1. Pare dragut telefonul.Din pacate Nokia a pierdut foarte mult in ultimii ani, de apreciat faptul ca tot incearca sa inoveze, scoate modele din ce in ce mai performante, dar nu vad esentialul, ca Apple si HTC au reinventat telefonul mobil, inainte mergeai intr-un magazin si puneai ochii direct pe Nokia, acum toata lumea se uita spre Android-based si Iphone-uri, poate cine stie, anul care vine or sa vina cu ceva si mai captivant 🙂

  2. Evident ca nu. De N97 sunt super multumit cand vine vorba de convorbiri. Dar in acelasi timp m-am si obisnuit sa pot intra oricand pe net de telefon. Si sa pot naviga usor

  3. Am testat N8 care este asemanator cu E7,singurele diferente fiind tastatura qwerty fizica prezenta in E7 si camera mai slaba decat la N8.
    Personal nu sunt multumit deloc de sistemul de operare. Se vrea a fi un telefon rezistent insa sistemul e acelasi invechit fara mari schimbari de ceea ce noi stiam. N8 are deja probleme cu supraincalzirea. Poate aceasta problema nu va fi si la E7 . Eu personal tanjesc dupa Samsung I9000 Galaxy S care sincer iti spun ca m-a fascinat. Nu se compara cu nici un telefon si display-ul este senzational… Si eu as fi fost tentat la o tastatura fizica qwerty, dar m-am razgandit cand am vazut cat de bn poti sa scrii si cu galaxy S, mai ales cu tehnologia Swype

    Dar stii cum e chestia cu telefoanele. Fiecare persoana are nevoi diferite si automat cel mai bun telefon e cel care iti trebuie tie.

    Numai bn.

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