tari straine unde poti face conturi in valuta

Cum sa rezolvi chestia cu „Sorry, your password can t be reset online (9024)”

Daca ai ajuns aici ai probleme cu id-ul de Yahoo si iti apare eroarea Sorry, your password can t be reset online (9024).
Ce am facut eu, pentru a scapa de problema.

Am urmat instructiunile oficiale si am scris cat mai clar ce am patit.
In 2 ore am primit raspuns de la Yahoo:


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

We appreciate the opportunity to address your report regarding Account
Security. Our goal is to provide you the best service possible,
especially when it comes to safeguarding your account. We have sent you
this auto-generated response as confirmation that our team has received
your report and also to provide you with information dealing with the
most common Account Security questions. Please let us know if the
following information does not resolve your issue and we will be happy
to assist you.

If you are unable to login to your Yahoo! account due to an invalid
password error please visit:


If the above information did not assist you, please attempt to request a
new password. Remember that our team may not reset your password or
remind you of your current password.

To change your password:

1. Sign in to your Yahoo! account using your current password by
signing in on any of Yahoo!’s personalized services (such as My Yahoo!,
Yahoo! Mail, etc.)

2. At the top of the page, click on either your user name or name that
appears in bold or the „My Account” link

3. Re-enter your current password to continue

4. Click on the „Change Password” link in your Account Information page

5. In the space next to „Current Password,” enter your current password
or the new one we issued to you

6. In the space next to „New Password,” enter a new password of your
choice. Passwords are case-sensitive (meaning that PASSWORD, PaSsWoRd
and password are not equivalent), so be sure to take this into account
when entering your new password.
It is recommended your new password not contain any part of your old
one, for security reasons.

7. In the space next to „Confirm New Password,” confirm your new
password by typing it again

8. Click the „Save” button to put your new password into effect


If you have followed the directions above, and are still unable to
obtain a new password for your account or feel that your account may
have been compromised, please reply to this email with the following
information you supplied during your Yahoo! registration.

Please know that we do have access to original account information and
that we will be unable to provide login or other assistance without
completely verifying your account.

* Yahoo! ID (If you cannot supply this ID, please give your alternate
email address given during your original registration)

* Your name

* Date of birth (mm-dd-yr)

* Your alternate email address

* Secret Question and Answer

* Your city and state

* Zip Code or Postal code you entered during registration

* Your country








If you received an email impersonating Yahoo! and would like to report
it please visit http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/abuse.html.
If you have already been tricked into giving your password, please visit
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/security/general.html and supply as
much detail as possible.

For more information visit:


We understand this email contains a wealth of information and hope that
it has been of great assistance to you. If you have found that your
Account Security issue was not addressed within this message or if you
are trying to reach another area of Yahoo! support, please reply to this
email and include a brief description of the problem you are
encountering. We are happy to assist you in any way we can or send your
email to the appropriate support area.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Account Services.


Yahoo! Account Services Customer Care
General Pool for Account Security

For assistance with all Yahoo! services, please visit:


New and Improved Yahoo! Mail – better than ever!

In pasul urmator trebuie dat un reply la emailul primit cu informatiile mentionate mai sus: Yahoo! ID, nume, data nasterii, adresa de email alternativa, intrebare secreta si raspunsul, orasul/judetul, codul postal folosit la inregistrare, tara.

La cat de repede s-au miscat prima data, banuiesc ca or as rezolve problema. Asta cu conditia sa va aduceti aminte toate datele trecute la inscriere.


  1. Dupa multe mail-uri trimise la Yahoo! si eu am primit acest mail. Insa cati isi mai aduc aminte intrebarea secreta? 🙂 Mai ales ca aveam contul de 4 ani. E vina mea ca nu am retinut….
    Eu le-am trimis inapoi mailul cu datele pe care mi le-am amintit…dar nu am mai primit niciun raspuns de atunci. Sigur nu sunt datele bune
    Oare imi voi mai putea recupera adresa ? :((

  2. yup! 😀
    Bine mai putin articolele despre wordpress..cum nu am blog..
    Dar oricum mi-a placut!

  3. eiii..mai am oleak..(2 ani) :))
    oricum in ziua de azi se vad chestii mult mai de „adulti” asa ca stai linistit :))

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