tari straine unde poti face conturi in valuta

Sa nu credeti ca doar romanii o dau in bara

Si pe afara mai se greseste. Spre exemplu acum am primit un email din partea Eures, unul din cele mai imteresante siteuri pentru cei care vor sa isi gaseasca un loc de munca in strainatate.
Email in care isi cereau scuze ca nu au reusit sa lanseze o noua versiune a siteului si ca, pentru nu se stie cat timp, se va reveni la varianta veche.

Important message to all users of the EURES portal

Dear user of the EURES portal,

We regret to inform you that we have not succeeded with the launch of the new version of the EURES portal – EURES 2.0. These last days we have worked hard and done our best to make EURES 2.0 a reality. In spite of that, due to ongoing technical problems the opening of the new EURES portal has been further delayed.

What will happen now?

As from today the old EURES portal with all its functionalities will be accessible again. All information has been migrated back to the original portal, including all CVs and other user data. You are now able to login to „My EURES” as before. If you need to modify or add any information on “My EURES” account it can also be done.


If you face any problems or have any further questions you are welcome to contact the Helpdesk/Contact Centre using the channels provided on the ’contact’ page on the EURES portal.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. At this stage we have not been able to identify the core problems. We are focusing all our energy on finding a swift solution. However, we do not want to rush a new version and are therefore unfortunately not able to give you an exact new launch date. We will keep you informed about the development of the new version of the EURES portal.

With our renewed deepest apologies,

The EURES portal team

Deci si afara se greste. Si afara se dau diverse sume de bani (probabil destul de mari) pentru un portal complex ca pana la urma totul sa se transforme intr-un esec.


  1. Dar deocamdata nu se precizeaza niciunde ca nu va mai fi noul portal… asa ca sunt unele probleme… Oricum a gresi e omeneste..dar la noi se intampla in exces acest lucru, devenind nu tocmai placut la un moment dat.

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