I should get a ticket to Nokia World 2010 because

Well, I should complete this sentence if I want to win a ticket to Nokia World 2010. But, to be honest, I don’t think I have a really, really good motive. I mean I’m not a developer, I’m not marketing person, I’m not a very influential person, I’m not even a fanatic.
But I want to get a ticket. 8->

Yes Nokia makes the best phones in the world.
Yes, I do love my Nokia N97.
Yes I like technology.
Yes I think the Nokia World 2010 will be a great event.
Yes, it would be a honor to be so close and to listen to renowned speakers (like Tim Berners-Lee) from which I have much to learn.
And yes, I would definitely would like to be there.

I could say that I should get a ticket because I put a lot of effort and passion into this contest @-)
I could say that I should get a ticket because I would represent my country with honor and pride b-)
I could say that I should get a ticket because I am a young electronics engineer passionate about technology who wants to keep in touch with the latest news :-b

So yes, I should get a ticket to Nokia World 2010 because I’m an optimistic, funny, eager to learn, enthusiastic person who just loves Nokia. 😡


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