E bine sa te simti bagat in seama

Mai ales cand esti bagat in seama de persoanele care se ocupa de Yahoo Messenger. B-)
Pentru ca am lasat un comentariu pe blogul de la Yahoo Messenger, cineva s-a gandit sa imi si raspunda. Pe email. :>


Thank you for your recent comment on the Yahoo! Messenger Blog about issues you are having with signing in to 9.0. We released an updated version of Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 today ( This latest build includes a fix for the sign-in issues that have been affecting some users. If you were seeing an error code “81003005” when trying to sign in, this latest version should fix that problem. Even if you were experiencing a different kind of sign-in issue, we recommend installing this latest version.
Please reply to this email and let us know if it resolved your issue. Thanks.

Sarah Bacon
Product Manager, Yahoo! Messenger

Si da, asa am aflat despre update-ul pentru Yahoo Messenger 9.

One comment

  1. Este bine ca ti-au raspuns, semn ca le pasa de persoanele ce folosesc serviciile lor.

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